Access Bars is a wonderful and relaxing treatment that brings deep relaxation and eliminates wrong attitudes, thoughts, and feelings. This simple technique, easily learned by children, is a great tool for improving sleep, reducing stress, fostering loving relationships, enhancing personal well-being, and much more.

At Ray of Happiness, we offer you the service of scheduling a session or attending an Access Bars class, where you learn to perform the entire process and receive a certificate allowing you to practice the therapy on others.

In a single session, you can also clear records dating back up to 5,000 or even 10,000 years that have been limiting you in your everyday life. Imagine how your life could be if you received Bars at least once a week. How many limitations could you eliminate if you allowed yourself to choose receiving?

What's happening with me?

How we currently think is a reflection of what we are accustomed to choosing. What could our life be like if we allowed ourselves to choose something different? How many wonderful things, experiences, and people could come into our lives if we stopped making probability calculations in our heads?

Choose something different that is outside your frame. Turn on happiness! Turn on Bars!

Access Bars and romantic relationships

Absolutely yes!

Since 2014, I have been leading Access Bars classes and, of course, receiving and giving Access Bars treatments. My experience is that Bars positively influence the improvement of a romantic relationship.

Participants who gift Access Bars treatments to their partners experience significant changes in their relationships and express the following:

  • Bars calm us
  • after Bars, we no longer argue
  • PMS conditions are just a memory
  • with Bars, I've learned to forgive
  • my desire for him/her has increased
  • I sleep better
  • we find time for each other
  • there is no more jealousy
  • Bars are a bullseye
  • our home is relaxed since we have Bars
  • we quickly find a solution to problems
  • if she's upset, I give her Bars.

Access Bars is a wonderful session that effectively helps children and adults to:

  • calm down
  • relax
  • be satisfied with themselves
  • learn more easily
  • have higher concentration
  • remove emotional blocks
  • stand up for themselves
  • sleep better
  • and more...

How can Access Bars help you? What changes or improvements can you make in yourself?

Feel invited to join us! In the class you will receive Access Bars session four times, learn how to gift it, and additionally receive many useful tools for self-improvement.

The Access Bars workshop is open to everyone, including:

Individuals working on themselves and their personal development, parents, children, partners, therapists, masseurs, chiropractors, those using energy methods in their work.
The more frequently you practice/receive Bars sessions, the faster the changes can occur. Access Bars® has helped people worldwide change their lives and eliminate limiting beliefs.

During the Access Bars classes, you will receive and give Bars therapy twice. After completing the class, you will receive a certificate confirming that you are a certified practitioner and can independently practice the session.

Check the event calendar to find the next Access Bars class.

Submit an inquiry by clicking the button below and fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation of successful registration to your email address. Also, check your spam folder. If you do not receive the confirmation email, let us know, and we will arrange the registration. Contact information can be found in the Contact.

Send Enquiry

Customers about us

I would like to share our experience of how I helped my son improve his grades to 4 and 5.
I attended a Bars class specifically with the intention of helping my son improve his school grades. He had started getting only 2 and 1. When I came home after the Bars class, I told him that I needed to practice on him. He wasn’t particularly enthusiastic, but he allowed me to run Bars on him when I permitted him to play games on his phone in the meantime. We repeated this process a few times, and the boy (9th class) started coming home with 4 and 5.
What surprised me the most was that initially, I had to convince him to let me practice. Soon, however, he realized that studying was easier after the Bars sessions, and he started coming to me, asking for Bars.
He says that after the Bars sessions, he can really learn the material because he is focused, understands, and remembers what he reads. Before, he would just read the material and couldn’t retain it at all.
Dear parents, Bars are amazing for our children. I highly recommend them!
Mnenje Manja Access Bars delavnica
Maša, thank you for the last Access bars swaps. My heel pain (old injury) has almost completely disappeared.

It's a great feeling. I'm looking forward to the next clasess and swaps.
Damir Junuzovič
Mnenje o bars izmenjavah - Damir Junuzovič
An amazing tool for resetting everything that doesn't serve for good and creating something new and positive.
Bars are fantastic; if the whole world did them, the entire world would be better.
Maja Sarkisovi
Menenje Maja Sarkisovi o barsih
Dear Maša, thank you very much for the comprehensive and fulfilled Access Bars workshop. It was exceptional for me and I am really happy and grateful for the newly acquired knowledge, which I would like to share among my loved ones. The workshop was above expectations and I hope that I will also be able to use anti-stress techniques so diligently ... all these grips, find points on my head and effectively do something good, healthy and relaxing for my family and friends. Thank you Maša for the new breadth and practical knowledge.
Martina Pirec Bole
Martina Pirec Bole ACCESS BARS
I first met bars at the bars workshop with Maša at Ray of Happiness. When I read the description of the event and what the bars are, something inside me said to me, "Tina, you just have to try this." At that time, I really needed relaxation, I wanted to turn off all thoughts, at least for a moment, all the worries that weighed on me and the things that I had accumulated in myself. And really, when I first received the bars at the workshop, all this really happened..Total disconnection, relaxation, calming, lightness .. In addition to the fact that we learned to perform bars therapy in the workshop and became practitioners (in the workshop everyone twice received and twice donated leopards), with Maša's exceptional approach and cleansing sayings we solved many other things, negative emotions, attitudes, judgments that limited us and I was not even aware of them before..short, really wow .. how can it be even better than that? After the workshop, I was so relaxed and light that I felt like I was floating on Earth ... feeling insanely good. Besides, I laughed so much after the workshop and the view of the world was suddenly more positive and without worries :)  
Opinion Bars workshop Tina
I was among the first on the Slovenian coast to learn the wonderful tool Access Bars with the help of Maša. With such a simple technique, we can really take big steps in the direction of joy and harmony. It’s like getting lost the key to the mysterious lock of life. I am glad from the bottom of my heart to meet this wonderful person and all the warmth and love that radiates. I recommend it to EVERYONE who wants real change ...
Klarisa Glavina Prebil
Klarisa Glavina Prebil ACCESS BARS
The Bars attracted me extremely much already at the presentation and something drew me right to Maša, even though I didn't know her. I attended the workshop and we had a great, relaxed and fun time. I learned a lot of useful things, even pulling energy is great and I do it regularly before bed - I wake up more rested. Now I can't wait for the next workshop to continue learning and exploring myself :)
Mateja Marin
Mateja Marin ACCESS BARS workshop