The process of Demolecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation™ is a body process from Access Consciousness® that pertains to creating something that didn't exist before and removing something that does exist.

It's a fantastic process that can be used when something is happening in the body that shouldn't be, or when something isn't happening in the body that should be.

It is used for various conditions such as:

  • arthritis
  • cysts and various formations
  • freckles
  • warts
  • moles
  • cellulite
  • anywhere there is something extra growing or where something is lacking as it should be.

You can schedule an individual session at the Žarek Sreče here.

If you would like to attend a class with Maša, check the events calendar. If you wish to organize a class in your area, please contact us at

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Customers about us

A few months ago, when I noticed that I had quite a bit of cellulite, I was persistent and for almost an entire month, I ran the DM and MD process every day before bed or in the morning... there is still a noticeable difference :)
Andreja Šalamun
Mnenje Andreja Šalamun dm md
I attended the Demolecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation (DM-MD) workshops with a friend in May 2015. I was attracted by the fact that with the acquired knowledge we can remove cellulite among other things. For me, cellulite has always been a problem and every year I struggled to get rid of it. I bought a variety of creams, drinks, lotions and I don’t know what else and the result was that the cellulite was reduced a bit and later came back again. For a year, I even gave up my favorite candy-ice cream to get rid of cellulite. Then I said I had enough of everything and that cellulite is a part of me and I accepted it. I did a DM-MD workshop and started using the therapy daily. In the evening on the couch, watching TV in the car, as we drove somewhere. In short, every time I had a chance and the results are visible. After one month, people asked me if I had lost weight or. if I'm on a diet. I, on the other hand, laughed happily, as I effortlessly got the desired result. I performed DM-MD therapy on my son, who had a wart on his leg and now he no longer has it. Thanks to Maša for making this possible for me!
Tina Kotrle
Tina Kotrle DM-MD
In the last two months, since I have attended several Access Body Process classes, I have noticed how much more rested and relaxed I am. My body has shed 6 kg, without intentionally dieting, and I truly feel like my internal organs have shifted somehow. It's as if they have settled into their rightful places. I am grateful and truly happy. I recommend learning more about various processes and allowing your body more space and ease.
Mnenje Katarine - delavnice telesnih procesov