Your RNA* is precious and unique.

What if you could allow your RNA to be truly contributive to yourself and your body?

Did you know that your RNA can change in days, months, and years? Did you know that certain changes in RNA can be extremely harmful to your body?

The body process The destruction and removal of RNA changes from Access Consciousness eliminates and removes all RNA changes that have been created and are harmful to your body or that create issues or discomfort in your body.

When you have ingested something toxic, introduced a harmful potion into your body, absorbed the 'crap' from others, or feel like you've become like a computer or a robot... This body process will enable you to remove all of that and start living your life with ease, relaxation, and happiness in a healthy and strong body that contributes to you.

Access' RNA body process eliminates RNA changes that occur in the body:

  • after ingesting food, drinks, or gases containing harmful substances
  • after the intake of vectorized va.ccine or medications
  • during medical procedures where various harmful substances affecting your RNA are introduced into the body
  • when you have copied the RNA of other people onto your body
  • in the presence of electromagnetic radiation
  • in all situations where the body has altered RNA based on external influences
  • if you are a healer and, through treating others, take on their problems, illnesses, and issues, as well as all other 'garbage' that does not belong to you
  • everywhere your body is asking for this process to remove what harms it
  • when you feel like you've become a computer and are just following commands

If you have been or will be in contact with any of the above or have an awareness that your RNA has changed in an unwanted direction, the bodily process of destruction and removal of RNA changes will allow your body to rid itself of these toxic changes.

If you receive this body process on your body a few times, your body will better fight with difficulties. If you repeat it enough times on your body, your body can rid itself of all these unwanted RNA changes.

It is an energetically remarkable process that will allow you to experience a different reality of living in and with your body.

Did you know that the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary M. Douglas, received awareness of the RNA bodily process just when COVID appeared worldwide, and mass vaccination began, with the purpose of supporting all people and their bodies.

Like other Access bodily processes, this one is also very gentle and only requires the gentle touch of your hand, without pressure.

**RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a type of nucleic acid found in the body and is similar to DNA.

I invite you to watch a short video...

You can schedule an individual session at the Žarek Sreče here.

If you would like to attend a class with Maša, check the events calendar. If you wish to organize a class in your area, please contact us at

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Customers about us

In the last two months, since I have attended several Access Body Process classes, I have noticed how much more rested and relaxed I am. My body has shed 6 kg, without intentionally dieting, and I truly feel like my internal organs have shifted somehow. It's as if they have settled into their rightful places. I am grateful and truly happy. I recommend learning more about various processes and allowing your body more space and ease.
Mnenje Katarine - delavnice telesnih procesov